Monday, May 3, 2010

Believe, Obey, Fight: Fascism within the Mathematical Community

Last century during the Fascist dictatorship in Italy, a motto was created, namely
``Believe, Obey, Fight".

This year timely dedicated to Darwin's achievements has stirred up again the never-ending quarrel of religions against science.
Luckily in Mathematics nobody could question, say, Pythagoras' Theorem: mathematics is not an opinion.
In fact, Copernicus' book escaped any censorship by the then established religious authority for about 80 years thanks to the label "mathematical model".
I am so happy to be a Mathematician because nobody can tell me
``Believe, Obey, Fight".
In a mathematical paper the author has to prove his/her statements, and the mathematical community neither believe nor obey to any authority in mathematics, less combat against other mathematicians.

We reason, don't we?

This could be a true story instead is just a dream because even mathematicians
have personal beliefs, pay obedience, and combat against other mathematicians.

During the Fascism, Italian University professors were forced to sign in their obedience or loose their job. The majority did, very few didn't.
Among the few who didn't sign and consequently lost his job was a Philosophy professor named Guido Calogero.
Many years later when Italy was a democratic republic he wrote:
``La competizione che conta, non e` quella con gli uomini, bensi` quella con le cose",
``The competition which is worthy of consideration is
not with men, rather with matters".

I am sure that many mathematicians can tell their own story of dictatorship within their own field.

But be aware that many dictators cry loud ``Many enemies, many honors". Even if they are mathematicians.
Instead I am a Mathematician and my job is to fight neither men nor women just problems.

I am a Mathematician and my motto is:

``I don't believe, I don't obey, I don't fight".

Monday, August 24, 2009

The (leaning) Ivory Tower of Mathematics

Nowadays it is fashionable by many professional mathematicians to show their condescension and write books to tell the laymen that they all could become mathematicians if they went to university and study hard. They, THE PROFESSIONALS, know it better.
Well, those professional mathematicians were just lucky: a teacher, a parent or whoever inspired them to actually become a mathematician. Few of them will admit that anybody could become what they are. Even fewer will admit that everybody is a mathematician. Most don't even know it...

Why all this fuss about Mathematics?

Well, we do not know anything else.

Yes, it is part of the secret: we can only reason and use our mathematical mind in order to understand the world around and inside us. We are trapped by our mathematical being...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I hate Mathematics

Dear Friends:

This is a blog dedicated to everyone out there who hates Mathematics.

Well, I begin this blog because I want to tell you a secret, namely that you can hate Mathematics as much as you think you do, but the truth is ...

you are a mathematician, YES, you even know mathematics but the dreadful adults (not all) made you forget it, and keep stuffing inside your otherwise mathematical head that you cannot and would not know it, ever.

Good night.

Sweet dreams to all